import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']
Plotting with xarray
Overall architecture#
We use the xarray package, which provides some convenience commands to create plots. In this notebook, we use matplotlib
as the plotting back end.
As our plots need to get more sophisticated and tuned, we start using more and more matplotlib
commands. We show towards the end of the section how to draw the xarray
data with matplotlib using only matplotlib
commands for the plots. At the end, we make a reference to the HoloViews
tutorial, which is especially suited for multidimensional and dynamic plots.
Getting the xarray#
For now, we load a particular data file.
from postopus import Run
cd ../octopus_data/benzene/
!octopus > out_gs.log 2>&1
run = Run(".")
The data set contains the electron density of the Benzene molecule, sampled on a 3d grid.
To make processing and plotting easier, we ask Postopus for the xarray
representation of the data:
xa = run.default.scf.density(source="cube")
Calling density()
provides the data accross all iterations in output_iter/scf.*/density.cube as well as static/density.cube. The iteration step is part of the coordinates of the given DataArray:
* step (step) int64 32B 5 10 15 16
* x (x) float64 376B -13.04 -12.47 -11.91 -11.34 ... 11.91 12.47 13.04
* y (y) float64 392B -13.61 -13.04 -12.47 -11.91 ... 12.47 13.04 13.61
* z (z) float64 264B -9.071 -8.504 -7.937 -7.37 ... 7.937 8.504 9.071
(4, 47, 49, 33)
Because the xarray object knows the coordinates (and the names of the coordinates, such as x
, y
and z
), it carries the metadata that is required to search and plot the data. This can make the plotting of the data easier. It also helps selecting subsets of the data (which may be plotted subsequently).
Here are some examples.
Selecting a slice by index#
First, we only want to work with the data provided in static/ which is always the last iteration:
xa = xa.isel(step=-1)
<xarray.DataArray 'density' (x: 47, y: 49, z: 33)> Size: 608kB [75999 values with dtype=float64] Coordinates: step int64 8B 16 * x (x) float64 376B -13.04 -12.47 -11.91 -11.34 ... 11.91 12.47 13.04 * y (y) float64 392B -13.61 -13.04 -12.47 -11.91 ... 12.47 13.04 13.61 * z (z) float64 264B -9.071 -8.504 -7.937 -7.37 ... 7.937 8.504 9.071 Attributes: units: au
We know we have 33 sampling points in the z direction. We expect the benzene molecule to be in the middle of the sampled region, so we can ask for index \(i_z = 33/2 \approx 16\) to retrieve density data points in the x-y plane where the index for z is 16:
s0 = xa.isel(z=16)
<xarray.DataArray 'density' (x: 47, y: 49)> Size: 18kB [2303 values with dtype=float64] Coordinates: step int64 8B 16 * x (x) float64 376B -13.04 -12.47 -11.91 -11.34 ... 11.91 12.47 13.04 * y (y) float64 392B -13.61 -13.04 -12.47 -11.91 ... 12.47 13.04 13.61 z float64 8B 3e-06 Attributes: units: au
is another xarray
object. (It provides a view on the xarray, so that it does not cost additional memory to create it.)
Creating a plot quickly (.plot()
The quickest way to visualise any xarray object is to call the plot
method on it:
We get a visualisation of the data that has correct coordinate labels in the x and y direction, and the values of the z coordinate at which we sample the data are shown as a title. The colourbar shows the colourscale for the density.
There are things one may wish to improve in this plot, for example having an equal aspect ratio (so that a circle in the data would look like a circle when plotted, not like an ellipse). We will see below how this can be achieved.
Here, the lesson is: A quick visualisation of the data can be achieved using the plot
method on an xarray
object. (Note: the output of the plot
method will depend on the dimension of the data.)
Inverting the order of x
and y
As we can see from the image above the y
-axis is presented on the horizontal axis and the x
-axis is presented on the vertical axis. This is the xarray plotting standard, which uses the second dimension for the horizontal axis. In natural sciences, we commonly use the x
dimension (the first one) as the horizontal dimension and y
(the second dimension) as the vertical one. If we want to follow this
convention, we need to specify the x
-axis explicitly with plot(x="x")
For simplicity, we will not add the (x="x")
to every plot of this tutorial, but it can be added where required. We will keep xarray
’s standard and use plot()
as it is.
Selecting a slice by coordinate#
In the example above, we have chosen index 16 in the xa.isel(z=16)
command to access the plane at \(z\approx 0\).
As xarray knows the coordinate values that are attached to our data points, we can also ask it to find the plane for which z=0
. As the data point that is meant to represent \(z=0\) is actually located at \(z=1.588\cdot 10^{-6}\), we need to tell xarray that we will accept the nearest data point to \(z=0\):
s1 = xa.sel(z=0, method="nearest")
Fine-tuning: no grid lines#
To get rid of the grid lines in the plot, we can use plot.imshow()
instead of plot()
on the xarray object:
[The grid lines only seem to appear with the svg plotting backend.]
As a second example, let’s slice the data in the \(x\approx 0\) plane:
s2 = xa.sel(x=0, method="nearest")
Fine-tuning: equal aspect ratio#
To draw each pixel as a square, we need to (in matplotlib terminology) set the aspect ratio to equal
Once we move from a quick plot of the data to a more refined visualisation, it is worth using the (somewhat standard) matplotlib figure and axes template:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
we create a figure (fig
) and an axes (ax
) object. The axes object defines the axes which will span our plot. (The name function is calledsubplots
because we can create an array of axes objects with it - even though in this example we just want one, and that is why we do not pass any arguments tosubplots
).Pass the
object to the xarray drawing routine.Modify the
(and if we want thefig
object) afterwards to fine-tune the plot.
Here is our full example:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
Selecting sub-sets of data#
In our first example, we select data points in the xarray xa
where the field value is greater than 0.001 (xa>0.001
), and remove (drop=True
) all other points.
We then slice the remaining data at \(z\approx 0\), and show a plot:
s2 = xa.where(xa > 0.001, drop=True).sel(z=0, method="nearest")
We can also use data selection to focus on features of interest. For example, to only display data for which $ -3 \le `x :nbsphinx-math:le 3`$ and \(-4 \le y \le 4\), and to plot a slice of the data at \(z\approx 0\), we can use:
s3 = xa.where((abs(xa.x) <= 3) & (abs(xa.y) <= 4), drop=True).sel(z=0, method="nearest")
Plot directly with matplotlib
Here is an example that re-creates the plots from above using only the data from the xarray object, and plain matplotlib
plotting commands otherwise.
In the example below, the extend
argument tells the imshow
command what the x-axis and y-axis values represent.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# figure out the data (d) and coordinates (x, y):
d = s3
x = s3.coords["x"].values
y = s3.coords["y"].values
# create the actual image, with `magma` colour map
p = ax.imshow(d, extent=[x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()], aspect="auto")
# add colour bar
As a second example, we draw some contour lines.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# contour needs x and y coordinates on matrices X and Y with the same dimensions as the data
Y, X = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="ij")
p2 = ax.contour(X, Y, d, levels=10)
We can also combine different representations in the same axis:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
z = xa.sel(z=0, method="nearest")
x = xa.coords["x"].values
y = xa.coords["y"].values
p = ax.imshow(
extent=[x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()],
Y, X = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="ij")
p2 = ax.contour(X, Y, z, cmap="magma", levels=5)
Changing the colourmap#
See matplotlib documentation for the available colourmaps
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
s3.plot.imshow(ax=ax, cmap="magma")
Saving a figure#
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
s3.plot.imshow(ax=ax, cmap="cividis")
The fig.savefig
command creates a pdf file with the plot on disk in the current working directory. Other formats can be chosen through the file extension, as is usual for matplotlib’s savefig
Surface plot#
There are probably better ways to create such plots, but here is an example for completeness.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator
import numpy as np
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"}, figsize=(10, 10))
# Make data.
z = s3
x = z.coords["x"].values
y = z.coords["y"].values
Y, X = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="ij")
Z = z.values
# Plot the surface.
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
# Customize the z axis.
ax.set_zlim(-1, 1)
# Add a color bar which maps values to colors.
fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=7)
Plotting with HoloViews
For dynamic/multidimensional plots: s. the holoviews tutorial