Version 0.3.0#
Release date: Nov 04, 2024
The user interface was reworked. To access the data of any output, the call operator must be used now. For example
. The methodsget
do not exist anymore (use"z=0").isel(step=-1)
instead ofrun.default.scf.density.get_converged("z=0")
).Field data (e.g. density) is now prodided as lazy loadable array. This means that no data is accessed when running
data = run.default.scf.density("z=0")
— only whendata.values
is used the files (and only the selected files) are accessed (note that other libraries might access the values too,
will calldata.values
internally).The outputs of the different wave function state was unified into one output. E.g.
.Most of the internal components were refactored, see MR 212, MR 204 and MR 244 for details.
ASE is installed properly when using
pip install postopus
, executingpip install git+
manually is not required anymore.
Version 0.2.0#
Release date: Aug 30, 2023
Octopus test data is now created on the fly during each CI pipeline. The invoke task generatePytestData was created for this purpose. Needed inp files are stored in the tests/data folder. We are no longer downloading the test data from the test data repo. All the inp files were changed to generate lighter test data and different values. All the tests were changed accordingly. This makes it easy to combine different octopus versions with different python versions. Supported in the pipelines now: py 3.8 - 3.10, octopus: 12.0 - 12.2. Almost all tutorials generate the data on the fly now.
Now we are able to read vtk vector fields within static/ and output_iter/ correctly.
Added nestedRun objects. This is documented and tested.
Added Application Examples chapter to documentation.
Version 0.1.0#
Release date: Feb 6, 2023
First alpha version of postopus.
Supports reading of “cube”, “xsf”, “vtk”, “x=0”, “y=0”, “z=0”, “x=0,y=0”, “x=0,z=0”, “y=0,z=0”, “ncdf”, and “nc” field octopus output files.
The field data is stored in the dictionary run.systemname.calculationmode.fieldname for ScalarFields and run.systemname.calculationmode.fieldname(.dimension) for VectorFields. It can be retrieved by using any of the get() methods. Depending on the situation, we can use: get(), iget(), get_converged(), or get_all(). These methods will return an xarray object, also with units support (as strings).
Comprehensive tutorials on how to use the xarray objects for analyzing data and visualizing it, also in combination with other libraries like holoviews or xrft.
Supports the reading of many table-like and unstructured files without extension stored in td.general and static folders. The data is stored in the dictionary run.systemname.calculationmode.filename. The return type will be either a pandas.DataFrame or a string depending on the file type. We do not need to use any of the get() methods for files without extensions.